Volunteer Opportunities 

Below are many of our volunteer opportunities though out the school year:

  • Band Camp Meals
  • Band Show Shirt Contest
  • Chaperones
  • Concession Stand
  • Food Coordination
  • Marching Band, Indoor Percussion, & color guard
  • Programs and Advertising
  • Publicity/Photos
  • Senior Recognition
  • Social Media
  • Sponsorship
  • Uniform Fitting Assistance
Concession Stand Volunteer Positions First & Second Shift
  • 2 Runners (1 at each register)
    They get the food and beverages for the customer at the counter after they have ordered. Must wear gloves when handling food.
  • 1 Popcorn Attendant
    You will make the popcorn, and fill the orders as they are called out and hand them to the runners at the counter. DO NOT wear gloves, they will stick to your skin if you accidentally touch the HOT Popcorn Kettle.
  • 1 Nacho Chip Attendant
    You will fill the nacho orders, keep the nacho cheese warm/filled, and fill the chips when needed. You will hand the orders to the Runners, or place orders on the counter, must wear gloves when handling food.
  • 1 Warmer Box Attendant
    You will get out hot dogs, hamburgers, cheese burgers, and pizza orders as they are called out and hand them to the Runners at the counter. Also, monitor temperature of warmer box, so food is not too hot, and pizza is not drying out. Watch to see if food is running out prior to halftime and feed the band, let the grillers know to make more. Help hand beverages from cooler to Runners. Must wear gloves when handling food.
  • Beverage Cooler Attendant
    You will hand beverages from the back wall cooler to the Runners and restock/rotate items in all coolers when needed. Also, help in other areas where needed. Must wear gloves when handling food.
  • 2 Cashiers
    You will take orders, call out items needed, and take the money. DO NOT HANDLE FOOD.
  • 2 Candy/Spirit Wear Side Attendants
    You will take and fill orders for candy, soda, and spirit wear.
  • 1 or 2 Hot Beverage Attendants (Only needed during cold weather and when offering Hot Beverages)
    You will be responsible for filling hot chocolate, coffee, and tea orders. You will also have to fill 220 cups of hot chocolate for the band to have during 3rd quarter break.